Girl in the Cave: A Round-Up


Tasha Cotter's Girl in the Cave is finally available for pre-order! An exploration of the south-central Kentucky landscape and a journey through the caves that lie underfoot, Girl in the Cave delves into the land and how it shapes our perspective. To learn more about Girl in the Cave, visit our catalog. To secure your copy and take advantage of our pre-order discount, visit our online store.

Tasha recently spoke with Black Fox Literary Magazine about her chapbook, the duality within her poems of being trapped and being free, and how the landscape of Kentucky and Mammoth Cave National Park inspired and influenced her work:

I liked finding ways of linking the past to the present, the land being a marker for something we share in common. It felt like recovering history.

In an interview at Speaking of Marvels, Tasha discusses her writing process, chapbooks that influence her work, and delves into her passion for place-based writing:

I love reading the names of cities, looking at the blank spaces, and thinking about what’s there.

At Tree Light, one of our favorite ways to engage with the chapbooks we publish is through music. Music is sacred, remember? When editing, designing, printing, trimming, and assembling our chapbooks, there's always a soundtrack to the madness, an emotional marker for the labor of love (and glorious time-suck) that is handmade publishing. We ask our authors to compile a soundtrack for their work, and above is Tasha Cotter's soundtrack for Girl in the Cave. Whether you've already read the chapbook or are anxiously awaiting your copy to arrive, we think listening to Tasha's soundtrack is a wonderful entry point to her work or way to reorient or accent your experience with Girl in the Cave.

And finally, whether you're currently reading as a blurber, reviewer, or interviewer, whether you've pre-ordered the chapbook and are counting down the days to release, or whether you just want to put a pin it, you can add Girl in the Cave to your Goodreads shelf--then shortly after November 28, the official release date, you can add Girl in the Cave to your bookshelf IRL.

Now Available for Pre-Order: On the Occasion of the Last Old Camp Meeting in Llano County

For the next week, you can pre-order J. Scott Brownlee's On the Occasion of the Last Old Camp Meeting in Llano County for a discounted price! We've spent the last few weeks trimming, folding, and sewing our hearts out in preparation for the chapbook's March 1 release, and we're excited to finally get this book out of our paper-cut hands and into yours.

Our first foray into saddle-stitching with thread!

Our first foray into saddle-stitching with thread!

Pre-order On the Occasion of the Last Old Camp Meeting in Llano County—a book D.M. Aderibigbe says "provides an indispensable understanding of what makes us vulnerable, and damned, and distinctly human—now through March 1!